I think as long as people with Dark Triad personalities say they're bullying people for moral reasons, they get away with it.

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Aug 4Liked by Colleen Doran

Itโ€™s been a good time to be off social media if youโ€™re not addicted to the dopamine hits of reposts (guilty).

The blind items (for the sake of a better term) are helpful for people like me who are just readers & fans. Thank you for sharing them.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you. I have been shocked (but not surprised) at the bold audacity of people judging situations they have absolutely no business even considering, that I too have chosen to offer up only silent support and shut up on social (anti-social?) Media. FFS someone's private life and preferences are PRIVATE. And yes, the collateral damage from bullshit can be far reaching and devastating. I applaud your candor and I live by factual and/or science proved systems only. I can just say life with a million judging egos and the vitriolic attitude these days has only pushed me further from people and wow, less stress.

I think there are many of us who appreciate art for arts sake. I don't look at art and think, I wonder if that artist was an asshole... ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿ™„. I would probably have a lot of holes in my bookshelf and on my walls ๐Ÿ˜†

Stay well!

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Itโ€™s not just everyday arseholery or particular preferences within their private life though. There are some pretty serious allegations about NG, and his own comments on the matter donโ€™t exactly exonerate himself and neither does his subsequent radio silence.

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It's not the business of internet randos to exonerate him or not. Or anybody else in any similar situations, really. None of us are privy to the details, nor should we be. Let the people and authorities involved handle it, and the rest of us need to mind our own business. If you want to not buy his works, that's your perogative, for any reason you choose. But the social media internet is not entitled to an explanation. It has no power to exonerate anybody. It's frequently nothing more than a slavering lynch mob, and lynch mob justice is toxic and flawed every time.

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Good ol George, how he is missed.

Yeah, I gettin' too long in the tooth to get involved in any controversies. Just want to lead a quiet life , a simple life and just do art and not get my Psychomotor Agitation more agitated.

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Excellent work great job

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